Monday, December 30, 2019
Terrorism A Criminal Justice Approach - 2244 Words
The dilemma facing state leaders for the past decades has been whether to respond to terrorism through a criminal justice approach or a more involved military approach. The criminal justice approach treats terrorism as a law-and-order problem in which the main burden is placed on the judiciary and police. In contrast, the military approach treats terrorism as a perilous threat to the national security of the state, which can only be countered with military force and wartime procedures. The argument of this paper is that military procedures are not warranted in dealing with terrorism because the terror threat is not lethal or influential enough to threaten our democracy, and even if it was, military action has proven itself to be so fraught with problems and costly risks in past interventions that continued use of such a tactic would not only harm our national security, but also could precipitate the fall of the American Empire. Instead, law-enforcement has proven itself to be an effi cient counter-terrorism tool that results in the capturing of terrorists, acquisition of intelligence, and spurring of cooperation with allied countries. ARGUMENT 1 –THREAT IS EXXAGERATED SO NO USE FOR MILITARY A primary consideration in deciding whether or not to use military force is to assess the lethality and influence of the threat to our democracy. Viewing the situation from the lens of the United States, terrorism has consistently been over-exaggerated. Just a few decades ago WashingtonShow MoreRelatedImplementing An Effective Punishment For An Offender1653 Words  | 7 Pages Achieving justice for all and providing appropriate punishment to fit all crimes is a prominent issue within the criminal justice system. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Surveillance And The Threat Of Terrorism - 1381 Words
Surveillance Over the decades, as technology advanced, surveillance became easier and easier. In the 21st century, people live in the world of ubiquitous surveillance, where everything becomes collected, saved, searched, correlated and analyzed. Surveillance generally means to keep close watch over someone or something. While a root word in surveillance is veil, which portrays imagery as saving face, or hiding. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and other federal agencies are engaging in the extensive surveillance to fight crime and reduce the threat of terrorism. Not only does surveillance fight crime, it proves the honesty and humility of people in the work office or on the streets. However, surveillance threatens privacy and liberty because it monitors individuals, meaning that certain information may not be kept secret. This frightens countless people because the thought of being watched sparks a controversy of the 4th amendment of the constitution. The 4th amendment protects the right against unreasonable searches and seizures. Surveillance challenges the privacy and liberty of individuals; nevertheless, it upholds the protection and security of citizens from terrorism and crime. The main purpose of surveillance systems is to monitor events from a remote or secret location. The capabilities of domestic surveillance expanded rapidly in recent years due to the equally rapid spread of new technologies that facilitate information gathering. However, many of theShow MoreRelatedSurveillance Program Unethical Use Of Computer1628 Words  | 7 Pagessimilar to that situation when the US government used national security surveillance programs for the intent to protect Americans from terrorism and cyber-attacks. These surveillance programs were initiated by NSA to spy on telecommunication data and the internet activities. However, these programs were created for the purpose of maintaining the security of people. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Suicide and the Harm Principle Free Essays
string(136) " her loss deprives them of their relationship to her, along with other interests that she contributed to satisfying in living her life\." The Right to Suicide and Harm Suicide under circumstances of extreme suffering is the morally right action as opposed to the alternative, living in pain. J. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide and the Harm Principle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mill’s Utilitarian ideals provide strong reasoning to support suicide in instances of severe pain, while Kant’s moral theory of the categorical imperative provides reasoning against taking one’s own life. Mill’s principle of utility is the maximization of pleasure and the reduction of pain. Mill regards happiness as the greatest good in life and all actions should be performed as long as they have the tendency to produce pleasure. Mill also introduces the Harm Principle. The Harm Principle is used to determine whether coercion is justifiable based on the impact of individual actions. Stated, the Harm Principle is â€Å"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant†(On Liberty, I, 9). Mill believe that individuals have the right to autonomy in order to produce pleasure for themselves, but the right to autonomy must be controlled to allow equal exercise of this right by all individuals. To understand the application of Mill’s principles, harm must be defined. Harm is damage to another individual against their will. Mill introduces two types of harm: direct and indirect. Direct harm is when an individual performs an action that directly harms another person, such as murder. Indirect harm is when the individual performs an action that causes damage to others through performing an action on one’s self. (On Liberty, I, 11) The distinction between indirect and direct harm determines whether the individual who performed the action resulting in the harm is morally responsible for the harm inflicted. Mill offers little towards the definition of harm and the distinction between direct and indirect harm. He writes: â€Å"Whenever, in short, there is a definite damage, or a definite risk of damage, either to an individual or to the public, the case is taken out of the province of liberty, and placed in that of morality or law†(On Liberty, IV, 10) Mill states that when individual actions pose a risk of â€Å"definite†damage, the individual is responsible to society for those actions. Therefore, â€Å"definite†harm is direct harm to others and all other harms are either (1) indirect harm to others or (2) direct harm to oneself and undeserving of legal or moral sanctions. However, the word â€Å"definite†is vague, leaving the definitions of indirect and direct harm unclear. To determine responsibility and appropriate sanctions to punish and deter, Mill employs a central idea of his theory: personal autonomy. Personal autonomy is an individual’s ability to pursue â€Å"their own good in their own way†, one of Mill’s four absolute rights (On Liberty, I, 14). Each individual has the absolute right to exercise this autonomy, unless their actions impact the autonomy of another person. In cases where autonomous actions result in direct harm to others, either the government is justified in imposing legal sanctions such as jail time, or society is justified in imposing moral sanctions, such as shaming. Therefore, to determine whether direct harm was committed, one looks at whether one individual caused the abridgment of another individual’s absolute rights. Exegesis In this section, a case will be presented to prompt discussion about the morally validity of suicide. Mill’s reasoning will include a utility calculation and an evaluation of direct and indirect harm. Consider the following case. A young woman named Jane, aged 29, finds out she has the Parkinson’s gene. Jane watched her mother die from the disease and does not want to die the way her mother did. When the symptoms begin to set in and worsen, she decides to commit suicide. She knows that she can live many more years with the disease but she knows that her quality of life will be reduced. Jane believes that her quality of life will be so diminished that death is the only option. Is it right for Jane commit suicide? Mill would invoke the Harm Principle. The act of committing suicide would be a self-regarding act. As the harm is directly imposed on herself, all other consequences of her action are considered indirect as they occur through Jane’s self-regarding act. Hence, Jane should suffer no moral or legal sanctions for committing suicide. Furthermore, she has evaluated her options and upon deep consideration, decided that the pain of living with her condition outweighs the pleasure of living with her condition. A utility calculation can be formalized to further justify her decision on utilitarian grounds. Utilitarianism) For Jane: 1. Tendency to cause pleasure: 100 units 2. Tendency to cause pain: 50 units For the aggregate of the other people affected: 3. Tendency to cause pleasure: 10 units 4. Tendency to cause pain: 20 units Hence: Pleasure: 110 units, Pain: 70 units. Perform the action. For Jane, dying would be the ultimate pleasure as it is the end of her suffering. She views suici de as the mean to her ultimate end: happiness. For Jane, the pain of dying is less than the pain of living. After seeing her mother die from Parkinson’s disease, she makes the valid decision to not die the same way. She recognizes that death is the end of her life and the pain of leaving her family and friends does impact on this decision. Yet, when compared to the suffering she will endure as her Parkinson’s progresses, the pleasure derived from these relationships is not enough to compel her to live. For the aggregate of the community, pleasure derived from Jane performing the action of suicide would be the comfort in knowing that (a) her wishes were respected and (b) her suffering is relieved. However, the pain of Jane’s suicide outweighs the pleasure as the interests of the aggregate are compromised by her death. Upon her death, they mourn her loss and her loss deprives them of their relationship to her, along with other interests that she contributed to satisfying in living her life. You read "Suicide and the Harm Principle" in category "Essay examples" Compared to the value of Jane’s pleasure and pain, the value of the aggregate of all other affected persons is less. Jane is directly impacted by her action, while all the others are indirectly impacted. Mill gives more consideration to direct actions as they are in the sphere of personal responsibility. Harm suffered outside of Jane’s sphere of action, or indirect actions, are of lesser value to Jane as she has no moral responsibility for indirect harm. Furthermore, the indirect harm does not violate anyone’s liberty rights and is therefore of lesser value than the direct harm. Therefore, Jane is justified in placing a lower value on the aggregate pain and pleasure of the community compared to her personal pain and pleasure. Hence, the tendency to cause pleasure outweighs the tendency to cause pain and the action should be performed. When one decides to commit suicide, Mill would argue that the only person directly affected is the individual. However, Mill writes: â€Å"No person is an entirely isolated being†, showing how an individual’s actions are never completely self-regarding (On Liberty). There will always be affected parties by your actions. While the family and friends of the individual will mourn the death, they are mourning the loss of a life. The loss of life affects the family and friends by harming the interests that they had in the success of the individual as a human life. For example, if the Jane was a mother, her family has a strong interest in maintaining their family structure and growing up with a present mother. While the harm is indirect, it is significant and â€Å"definite†as the family will be affected for the rest of their lives. With her death, their interests are compromised. The principal interest of all rational humans is happiness and interests serve the purpose of maximizing pleasure and reducing pain (Utilitarianism, II, 2). Pleasure is derived from living a good life and interests are what the individual desires to attain happiness. The pursuit of happiness is done through satisfying the individual interests of a person, hence to deny an individual of these interests would be to deny them of their happiness. The definitions of direct and indirect harm appear unsatisfactory in determining the morality of an action; however, by evaluating the importance of personal autonomy, a more satisfying conclusion is reached. If interests are the means to the ultimate end of happiness, then the individual who wants to commit suicide is a mean to the ultimate end of her family and friends’ happiness. If the individual satisfies her own happiness by committing suicide, she is performing an action to achieve her ends. Mill writes that the only justification needed for determining the desirability of an action is whether it is desired. Utilitarianism, IV, 3) As the individual desires to die, it is sufficient evidence that the action will provide happiness to the individual. Whether this action affects the interests of others is of minimal concern, as rational beings are not intended to serve as means to another’s happiness. Hence, suicide is justified as long as the individual achieves the ultimate end of happiness despite harming the interests of others. The Objection In this section, an objection from the perspective of Kant will be presented using the four formulations of his categorical imperative. Immanuel Kant would provide a compelling objection to Mill’s justification of suicide. Kant offers four formulations of the categorical imperative, proving suicide as an immoral act by the definition that moral actions meet the formulations of the categorical imperative. First, the Formula of Universal Law, states: â€Å" I ought never to conduct myself except so that I could also will that my maxim become a universal law†(Groundwork, Ak4:401) . The maxim that Jane is acting upon is killing one’s self to relieve suffering. To will this to become a universal law would be to will that all human suffering can solved through suicide. However, this is a self-defeating maxim as one can not enjoy relief from suffering if one ceases to exist. Second, the Formula of Nature states: â€Å"Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature†(Groundwork, Ak4:421). By this formulation of the categorical imperative, the justification for committing suicide would be that she believes that suicide should be a universal law of nature. To say that suicide should be a universal law of nature is again, as mentioned in the above formulation, self-defeating. Also, Jane, as a rational agent, would not will suicide to be a universal law of nature; hence, Kant would conclude that she is not justified in committing suicide. Third, the Formula of Humanity states: â€Å"†¦ any rational being exists as an end in itself, not merely as a means to the discretionary use of this or that will, but in all its actions, those directed toward itself as well as those directed toward other rational beings, it must at the same time be considered as an end†(Groundwork, Ak:4:428). Simply put, this formulation of the categorical imperative states that all rational beings are considered ends, rather then just means to another’s ends. Each individual is an end within themselves and all rational being must regard other rational beings as ends rather than means. In Jane’s decision to commit suicide, Kant would say that she is treating her own life as mere means to achieve her end. Kant explicitly writes: â€Å"the one who has suicide in mind will ask himself whether his action could subsist together with the idea of humanity as an end in itself†(Groundwork, Ak4:429). Kant believes that all rational humans are not mere means to ends, but ends within themselves. If one commits suicide, one acts in a way that regards their humanity as a mere means to their happiness, as they believe that happiness is achieved following their death. Kant would argue that suicide degrades humanity on the whole, treating life as a means to the ultimate end, rather than an end in itself (Groundwork, Ak4:42964). Fourth, the Formula of Autonomy states: â€Å"Not to choose otherwise than so that the maxims of one’s choice are at the same time comprehended with it in the same volition as universal law†(Groundwork, Ak4:441). This formulation of the categorical imperative says that by free will, rational agents dictate laws and by the same free will, rational agents subject themselves to the laws they dictate. Through this formulation, Kant demonstrates the absolute value of reason in rational beings. Through reason, rational beings create the laws through which they live moral lives. Suicide, even in the case of suffering, would not be a law that a rational agent would universally impose upon society for if it were imposed on society, humanity would be degraded. Kant would also argue that Jane has the perfect duty to preserve her life that this maxim would violate. Her duty relies on the respect for humanity and human life as ends, rather than means. Her violation of the duty through suicide shows a lack of respect for human reason as she is readily able to dispose of her own. Hence, Kant would conclude that the maxim of suicide to relieve suffering is not a valid maxim as it fails to satisfy this formula. Therefore, Kant would argue that suicide to relieve suffering does not satisfy the categorical imperative and is morally wrong. The Rejoinder In this section, Mill’s response to Kant’s objection is presented. By recalling the concept of autonomy, Mill refutes Kant’s objection to suicide. In response to Kant’s claims that suicide violates the four formulations, Mill would argue that based on the supreme principle of personal autonomy, Kant’s claims are false. While the maxim of killing one’s self to relieve suffering is not one that can be universally applied, the magnitude of suffering is important in considering Jane’s decision. It is far too broad to say that lack of respect for one individual’s life will lead to the erosion of respect for all human life (Edwards). Situations of suicide must be evaluated on an individual basis, not on the premise of respect for the entire human race. Realistically, it is unlikely that Jane’s suicide will lead to justification of suicide. Occurring every 13. 7 minutes in the US, suicide is a major cause of death but society still functions with relative stability and order (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Isolated cases do not determine the general state of the world. By failing to consider the consequences of actions for individuals Kant’s reasoning falls short by only drawing large-scale conclusions of the impact of motivations on humanity as a whole. The claim that Jane is treating her humanity as mere means to her end is false. Jane has lived her life as she has desired, deriving pleasure throughout the journey. As she nears the end, her pleasure begins to diminish and is overcome by the pain of her disease. Wanting to die before experiencing overwhelming pain is not a disregard for her life, instead, it is the preservation of the memory of a good life well lived. By wanting to die before her disease debilitates her, she maximizes the pleasures of life by avoiding pain. Furthermore, suicide does not represent a disregard for human rationality. Jane’s suicide is a triumph of human rationality. Because of reason, she is able to justify her decision to commit suicide by using the observation of her mother’s death as well as the medical facts that allow her to (1) know that she possess the gene that will give her the disease and (2) recognize the symptoms of Parkinson’s while determining how far the disease can progress without compromising her happiness. Analysis This section will offer an analysis of the arguments of both Kant and Mill in their ability to determine the morality of suicide. While it is important to recognize that Kant’s categorical imperative provides good reasoning promoting the preservation of life, the argument falls short in understanding the degree of personal suffering and the toll this suffering takes on an individual. The categorical imperative focuses on motives behind actions, but with an action such as suicide, where the end result is death, motives matter less than consequences. However, if the maxim under which Jane operates was stated as â€Å"Act in a way that promotes happiness and reduces pain†, both Kant and Mill may be satisfied. By this maxim, all the formulas stated above are valid and Mill’s principle of utility is satisfied. Autonomy lies at the heart of this dilemma and Mill’s response to Kant’s objections succeed in demonstrating that. Jane has valid reasons to commit suicide and because she is a rational agent, her reason must be respected. The utility calculation, as well as the concepts of direct and indirect harm, serve as valuable tools in drawing the conclusion that suicide is the morally correct action given Jane’s state of affairs. Works Cited Kant. â€Å"Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals . †(1785). Mill, J. S. â€Å"On Liberty. †(1859). Mill, J. S. â€Å"Utilitarianism. †(1861). Prevention, American Foundation for Suicide. Facts and Figures. 2012. 2012 http://www. afsp. org/index. cfm? page_id=04ea1254-bd31-1fa3-c549d77e6ca6aa37. How to cite Suicide and the Harm Principle, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Applied Business Research And Ethics Human Themes
Question: Discuss about theApplied Business Research and Ethicsfor Human Themes. Answer: Introduction Looking into phenomena that comprises of human themes or patrons builds novel and convoluted moral, legal, societal in addition to political issues. Investigate ethics are specifically fortified by method for the examination of good inconveniences, which may be raised while individuals are included as people in research. Generally, research ethics has three aspirations. The primary and widest objective is to secure human members. The next intention is ensuring the exploration is conducted in a manner, which serves quest for persons, groups as well as the public in understood. Eventually, the 0.33% target is to research special studies activities and endeavors for their ethical soundness, looking for instance the organization of peril, certification of classification and the technique for educated consent (Akyeampong, 2011). Normally, inquire about ethics has regularly focused about issues in biomedical research. The use of studies ethics to take a gander at and examine biomedical research has been extremely a ton made at some phase in the most recent century and has influenced an awesome a part of the bleeding edge statutes and tenets for the moral conduct of studies. In any case, in humanities and social science contemplates, different sorts of moral issues rise. New and creating procedures for controlling studies, for occurrence, vehicle-ethnography and participatory intrigue investigate increment vital yet particularly uncommon good inconveniences and responsibilities for scientists. People are encountering a length of mammoth trade in appreciation of the ethics of associated social examination (Coon, 2016). From the time right away after the second one world fight till the mid Nineties, there has been a piece by method for bit understanding about the key moral decide that need to underlie the exam attempt. Two marker occasions develop (among a few others) as run of the mill of this settlement. The Nuremberg fighting Crimes Trial taking after worldwide war II passed on to favored perceivability the ways German analysts had used prisoner human points as subjects in consistently stunning tests. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Tuskegee Syphilis examine (TSS) covered the withholding of perceived successful solution for syphilis from African-American patrons who have been spoiled. Exercises like those controlled the reexamination of moral standards and the dynamic change of an assention that limit human subjects ought to have been shielded from being connected as 'guinea pigs' in exploratory examination. By the Nineteen Nineties, the movement of the circumstance changed. Tumor patients and individuals with AIDS combat unreservedly with the restorative research establishment about the long time anticipated to get support for a whole research into capacity treatment gets ready for deadly afflictions. Largely, it is the ethical suspicions of the past thirty years that compel this 'pass-slight' state of mind. Ordinary, we would, as a substitute danger, denying treatment for some time until we fulfill adequate have confidence in a cure, rather than hazard harming characteristic people (as inside the Nuremberg and Tuskegee events). Notwithstanding, now, the people that have been weakened with destructive issue were calling attention to the studies premise that they should have been guineas pigs, even underneath investigate conditions of colossal risk. You had a couple greatly vocal and persuasive patient social events that should have been explored creating contrary to a moral study system that transformed into planned to shield them from being examined (George 2010). Notwithstanding the truth that the most extreme ebb and flow couple of years inside the ethics of research were tumultuous ones, it's far starting to give some other accord is building up that comprises of the partner gathers greatest empowered by means of an issue taking an intrigue more solidly inside the meaning of arrangements for research. in the meantime as it is no more by method for any extend of the inventiveness clean, at blessing, what the new settlement will be, it's far skirting on sure that it won't not fall at both convincing: securing towards human experimentation regardless of what rather than permitting any person why must willing be tested. Justification: Moral Apprehensions The type of research for Company ABC in conducting stem cell research is not known therefore, this paper uses Qualitative Research. It is the approach generally connected with the social constructivist worldview which underscores the socially developed nature of reality. It is about recording, examining and endeavoring to reveal the more profound importance and centrality of human conduct and experience, including conflicting convictions, practices and feelings. As per Akyeampong (2011), diverse terms painting the guiding principle of morality which modern societal and restorative studies premise have made to attempt quiet higher the gains of their studies. The dependable guideline of purposeful leisure activity calls for individuals now not to be constrained in appreciating research. This is particularly imperative in which specialists had ahead trusted 'prisoner group's for their subjects - prisons, schools, and spots that way. Solidly determined to have the considered purposeful s peculation is the essential of learned consent. This implies looming considers patrons should be totally taught about the technique and dangers required in studies and ought to supply their consent to take an intrigue. Moral measures in like manner require that analysts now not put individuals in a circumstance wherein they might be at risk of fiendishness in view of their backing. Damage can be described as each substantial and scholarly. Two games are associated with a particular stop aim to unwind the insurance of studies members. All studies guarantee the supporters security - they are guaranteed that spotting data will now not be made convenient to any man or lady who is not primarily included inside the perception. The stricter far reaching is the rule of indefinite quality, which implies that the part will stay baffling amid the perception - even to the scientists themselves (Guest, 2010). Allowing for Valid Moral Concerns However when clear moral gages and norms exist, there will be examples while the need to do interesting exploration keeps going for strolls up towards the benefits of limit members. No relationship of standards can imagine each moral condition. In addition, there should be techniques that guarantee that analysts will consider all material moral inconveniences in characterizing research orchestrates. To adapt to such wishes greatest foundations and organizations have figured an Institutional evaluation Board (IRB), a leading group of the individuals who reviews grant recommendation with respect to good consequences and picks whether additional moves should be made to guarantee the prosperity and benefits of people. With the guide of surveying recommendation for research, IRBs in like manner loose both the connection and the specialist against limit substantial repercussions of neglect to adapt to significant moral issues of members. Ethicists wherever these days are tried with the guide of issues that reflect worldwide issues in one of kind spaces, for example, the conduct of studies in developing stuff, the limits of research including inherited fabric and the security of insurance in gentle of advances in development and web capacities. Stream common contentions and challenges in research ethics contain the changing over brain of what constitutes ponders and along these strains require formal ethics review in Canada. The Ethics board, U.S., regulates and checks the work of learns at powers and bizarre degrees (Wood, 2011). The domain of research ethics is in academic, investigative and corporate settings, the growing multi-disciplinarily of studies facilitated endeavors, premiums, and issues made by intensive chose and ordinary assurance authorization. This, no way, shapes an extensive summary of the sorts of live inconveniences there are in research ethics today. Close to the epistemological and hypothetical issues in this dynamic field, ethicists in addition go up against story inconveniences at the degree of individual ethics reviews, systemic issues related to the organizations in which ethics studies overviews are done and social, legitimate and political inconveniences determined to have administration of research ethics. Literature Review Experimental in Addition to Oversight Analysis The central game plan of control and overview of research including individuals and animals as subjects is ordinary for operators. Starting late, in any case, the expression "translational" has come to depict a line of research demand anticipated that would stretch out from seat to bedside and past. This has highlighted that thinking about good issues should begin at the most reliable periods of preclinical research. Ethics in both research and clinical settings are best when it is preventive (Morehead et al, 2011). In this gratefulness, youthful microorganism research is not fascinating; foundational microorganism analysts should get some data about the bearing of their translational research as would some other biomedical specialist. Oversight of cell-based interventions incorporates additional components that, while adding multifaceted nature to the regulatory strategy, furthermore make it less requesting to take a long view, by obliging thought with respect to the use of youthful microorganisms at all examination stages. Growing weights for the snappy clinical understanding and commercialization of stem cell things underscore the estimation of this long examination (Kuruvilla et al, 2012). The ethical issues that all scientists confront in the midst of clinical elucidation begin with the need to ask a huge request, the reaction to which has both exploratory and social regard and can be come to by the study as arranged when honest to goodness coordinated. The risks of harm and the potential favorable circumstances to society from the change of generalizable learning (and, here and there, potential direct preferred standpoint to patient-subjects) must be weighed and balanced at each period of the exploration. Sound side interest is imperative to support moving from the lab into animal thinks about, and from animals into human subjects, and likewise through appropriate times of research with individuals (Coon, 2016). According to Watson (2013) minimizing the perils of harm, selecting and enlisting fitting patient-subjects, empowering instructed fundamental initiative through the consent shape and get ready, and avoiding the 'helpful misinformed judgment', whereby unduly elite prerequisites impact all contributed people to a clinical trial, are all important research ethics examinations, especially in first-in-human and other early-arrange considers. To various specialists, these examinations are only requirements of sound and proficient study arrange, as exemplified, for occasion, in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) bearing files and investigational new prescription necessities. It should stun nobody, in any case, that examination plan and research ethics are almost entwined (Watson et al, 2012). Undifferentiated creature (Stem cell) concentrates on gives striking guarantee for cognizance of crucial structures of human change and detachment, and the decision for fresh out of the plastic new therapeutic medications for contaminations, for instance, diabetes, spinal line damage, Parkinson's ailment, and myocardial corruption. Pluripotent stem cells keep up themselves in the public eye and can isolate into an extensive variety of exact cells. Analysts plan to part pluripotent cells into exceptional cells that may be connected for transplantation. Similarly, human foundational microorganisms (hSC) examination raises sharp moral and political open deliberations. The deduction of pluripotent undifferentiated cell lines from oocytes and nascent life forms is stacked with inquiry in regards to the onset of human innovation. Some particular methodologies for deciding undifferentiated cells raise a great deal less good issues. The reevaluating of good-sized cells to make activated pluripotent undeveloped cells (iPS cells) keeps a vital separation from the moral issues specific to embryonic foundational microorganisms. With any hSC concentrates, in any case, there are troublesome circumstances, which incorporate consenting to offer materials for hSC inquire about, early logical exams of hSC cures, and botches in hSC investigation (Coon, 2016). Moral Administration: The Four-Part Representation Researcher developed a hypothetical representation to clarify the procedure of moral choosing created out of a longing to sort out speculations in addition to studies regarding good improvement and conduct from an assortment of points of view. Not just were researchers looking at good improvement from an intellectual advancement viewpoint, apparently the most prevalent approach in good improvement, however from Social, Behavioral, as well as Psychoanalytic views. Another model was important to represent the distinctive discoveries from every approach. Until this point, noteworthy consideration had been given to the idea of good judgment, the assessment of a choice or activity as great or terrible, as the premise for moral basic leadership. Conversely, Ethical judgment, while critical, is by all account not the only, nor the hugest, influence moral basic leadership (Coon, 2016). Moral basic leadership includes four unmistakable mental procedures: moral affectability, moral judgment, moral inspiration/goal, and good character/activity. Moral affectability (moral care), insinuates a persons capability to see that a condition has an ethical concern. Seeing a decent concern necessitate a persons care that their exercises can sting moreover, or advantage different citizens. Other studies grow this description, signifying that great affectability is the main's affirmation that a condition has an ethical substance and, accordingly, an ethical perspective is generous. Moral judgment implies characterizing and estimates probable responses for moral resistance to ethical issues (Legge, 2015). This movement in the course needs meticulously considering the likely options plus probable results to make sense of the morally steady. Ethical enthusiasm (honest point) implies the desire to pick the great choice over an additional course of action addressing a substitute regard. This fragment of the ethical fundamental administration handle incorporates making plans to pick the ethical regard. Case in point, a person can see two responses for a trouble, outcome in an extension of individual power and another, which is ethically correct. Here, ethical enthusiasm is the persons desire to pick the estimation of significant quality on the estimation of obligation. Ethical intensity (ethical movement) insinuates a person is direct. This progression includes boldness, assurance, and the capacity to finish the ethical choice. In spite of the fact that these means are orchestrated intelligently, they are not in a settled request. Every segment is unmistakable and can affect the others. Moreover, disappointment at any progression can bring about an inability to settle on a moral choice. An individual may have solid moral judgment abilities yet will not start to utilize them in the event that she or he needs moral affectability and neglects to perceive an ethical issue. Moral Intensity The nonappearance of research on the characteristics of an ethical issue began Thomas Jones' (1991) change of the ethical power illustrate. Jones battled that the characteristics of the ethical issue, what he with everything taken into account named moral drive, affect moral decision-making. Jones conceptualized his model with the ultimate objective that ethical constrain may affect each of the sections of Rest's Four Component show. The six estimations of good power are Extent of Consequences, Temporal Immediacy, Social Consensus, Proximity, Probability of Effect, and Concentration of Effect. Degree of Consequences implies how much an individual may be harmed by or advantage from the main's movement. A more important level of evil or preferred standpoint achieves an extension in great constrain. Transient Immediacy insinuates the time allocation amid the act and its outcomes. A movement, which provokes a negative result, will achieve a more critical addition in great power than an a ct that the results are deferred. Public agreement implies the level of consent amongst a party, which an action is awesome or repulsive. Such a party might be the general public by and large, for instance, an unlawful exhibition is not ethically commendable by people in light of the way that a law confines it) or a humbler get-together, for instance, a persons educational partners. Closeness suggests the vicinity of the boss to the general population perhaps affected by the results. Closeness can be an assumption physical, social, social, or mental nearness. An extension in Proximity achieves a development of good compel. Possibility of result suggests the chance that the foreseen results and the ordinary stage of injury/favorable position will happen. In case the probability that movement will happen and cause the foreseen injury is soaring, ethical power heightens. The last estimation, focus of consequence, implies the liaison relating to the number of groups distressed as well as the extent of injury. If the focus of the consequence is inconceivable, ethical power increases (Smith, 2012). Closing Remarks As our examination has showed up, a heavy divide of the good and methodology issues that are most basic for juvenile microorganism (stem cell) research and treatment resemble those rising in other novel biotechnologies. Thought about these issues in both exploratory and bioethics composed works addresses various fundamental subjects: The minimization of risks of naughtiness The importance of information revelation and taught consent The accommodating misinformed judgment The weight from infection voting demographics and business components to move quickly into the office, repeatedly to the burden of cognizance key instruments In the space of clinical elucidation, trial-specific examinations of good issues continue giving basic heading, not simply concerning the trials especially considered also as models for authorities starting down new translational pathways. Notwithstanding the way that the creation and usage of hSCs (human cells) have for a long while been the stand-out focus of foundational microorganism ethics, more stream open deliberations join the creation, for research use, of human nascent life forms, human-animal dreams, and gametes. However these marquee disputes are, as time goes on, less key for the field overall than are more normal. Value masterminded concerns like the creation and usage of youthful microorganism banks for research and treatment, help of 'off-the-rack' undifferentiated living being applications that could be less over the top however perhaps not as much as faultless, and request of consent, provenance, and system. Ultimately, pushing ahead with the right blend of creativity and caution is critical, in light of a honest to goodness sympathy toward both science and patients. In each part of undifferentiated cell research and treatment, nuanced thought and exchange of the best translational pathways, as observ ed by ethics and what's more, science, will accept a critical part in altering trust and development now and later on, as the field continues with its quick progress. References Akyeampong, E. (2011) A Statistical Portrait of the Trade Union Movement, Perspectives on Ethic and Research, 9: 4554 Coon D. (2016) Introduction to psychology: exploration and application (4th ed.), St. Paul: West Pub. Co. pp.476478 George R. (2010) Business Ethics, Seventh Edition. Prentice Hall, p. 351-352 Guest D. E (2010) Human resource managementthe workers' verdict, Human Resource Management Journal, 9 (3): 5 Koehn, D. (2012) Ethical Issues in Human Resources, In N. E. Bowie (Ed.), The Blackwell guide to business ethics (pp. 225243). Oxford: Blackwell Kuruvilla, S., Das, S., Kwon, H., and Kwon, S. (2012) Cell Growth and Decline, British Journal of Ethical Research, 40(3): 43161 Legge, K. (2015) The ethics of dealing with individuals without collective representation, Pinnington, Macklin Campbell, pp.35 ff Morehead, A., Steele, M., Stephen, K., and Duffin, L. (2011) Changes at Work: The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, Melbourne: Longman Smith N. H. (2012) Strong Hermeneutics: Contingency and Moral Identity, London: Rutledge. Watson T. J (2013) Ethical Choice in Managerial Work: The Scope for Managerial Choices in an Ethically Irrational World', Human Relations, 56(2): 16785. Watson, I., Campbell I. and Briggs C. (2012) Fragmented Futures: New Challenges in Working Life. ACIRRT, University of Sydney, NSW: The Federation Press Wood M. (2011) Human resource specialistsguardians of ethical conduct, Journal of European Industrial Training, 21 (3): 110
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Grosvenor Park free essay sample
Dubin has done very well for himself in the past, developing over 4,000 units in Maryland. His most recent development, Grosvenor Tower, a luxury high rise, was a massive success. He was able to garner a 98% occupancy rate since opening. The building caters to young professional couples and singles looking to live somewhere nice with commuter access to the metro into downtown Washington. Many of these tenants indicated to Dubin that they enjoyed the area and would one day like to own homes there. This is where Dubin’s newest development comes into play, a 189 unit community called Grosvenor Park that would serve as single-family bridge homes for young professionals like the ones in Grosvenor Tower. This community would take the young professional demographic from apartment and span the time gaining equity for their â€Å"dream home†. There are many risks associated with this project. First and foremost is the long list of Planning Department requirements, . We will write a custom essay sample on Grosvenor Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 6 million in total including $1 million worth of road improvements. There is also a requirement that 15% of units must be set aside for moderate price dwelling units. These units are built comparable to market, but sold at a fraction of the price. Mortgage interest rates were also relatively high during the time of construction due to a number of economic factors. Dubin is afraid that this financial requirement will drive his prices above market rate, and out of range of his potential buyers. To mitigate these risks, Dubin has come up with the plan of developing in chunks, only building as many homes as could sell in a timely fashion before further development. He also offers a high level of customization in these homes. Purchasers have a chance to have a home that fits their wants at a relatively low cost in what Dubin believes to be a prime location. Dubin also plans to develop the more affordable units after he has established a financial base with the market rate units. After assessing Dubin’s situation, I would recommend that he try to reason with the Planning Department to see if there is any way to reduce the fiscal requirements of the project. It is crucial for Dubin to keep his prices low enough for the units to be sold at a rate fast enough for him to make money. As the deal stands, Dubin can have his loans paid off in just over two years and realize a profit in around the same time frame. These figures do not include the extra PD demands, so I think Dubin should try to figure out another strategy for satisfying the PD before proceeding with the project. The demands of the Planning Department seem to be a bit excessive, especially seeing as Dubin and his team seem to have found viable alternatives to the proposed requirements. The sound barrier seems fairly reasonable, and also something that could potentially benefit Dubin’s development a well. The new sewage system, however, seems to be unneeded. Dubin’s team inspected the sewage of the development upstream and concluded the mismanagement fears of the PD were unfounded. Dubin also believes that the PD’s concern about the community bringing in too many new students is completely unfounded. Dubin has a great amount of faith that the potential tenants will wait until after they leave the development to start a family. If I were in Dubin’s shoes, I would put off construction until a better agreement with the PD was found. I would further research the issues, and provide concrete evidence that the sewage in the abutting neighborhood is being managed properly, as well as conducting studies to show that the development would not bring a significant influx of new children into the community. If a better agreement cannot be reached, I would recommend that Dubin continue with the project at the proposed rate of a few units at a time. This will help to not overextend the project and it will keep occupancy rates high as well as helping to test the waters. As someone who values the flexibility of a single family home with parking over an apartment complex, I would love to have an option like this as a young adult. Assuming I had a job in the city, living in a community like this with other individuals my age would provide adult living with social opportunities as well. If I were to get married and settle down, this would be the perfect place to start my life and save up for my â€Å"dream home†. As an investment vehicle, I would wait to see how the community develops before concluding anything as a purchaser. Dubin has a reputation for high quality and knowing what his tenants want, both are very good attributes. I would like more evidence to show that these tenants that occupy Grosvenor Towers would even be compelled to leave a residence like that before acquiring their â€Å"dream house†. The 10% annual appreciation rate for residential properties at the time is definitely a nice figure to consider as well. The development of single-family homes is much different than multi-family. They are marketed to very different socio-economic demographics. Multi-family developments (excluding luxury apartments) usually range from low to market income housing, while single-family units can run a wide spectrum. The space and land resources for single-family developments are much more demanding than multi-family. The turnover rate for single-family homes is lower than apartments because the purchase commitment is a much bigger move than a rental as well. This presents a higher risk of lower occupancy and is more sensitive to market fluctuations, which could prove costly to the developer.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Computers and Education essays
Computers and Education essays During the past two decades, advances in computer technology have ushered in the digital revolution. Computers have changed the way people do business, construct buildings, communicate with one another and receive In the field of education, computers have enhanced the way people teach and learn. This paper examines the advantages and potential difficulties of using computers in the elementary, middle school and high classroom as an educational instrument. Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by educators at this level is overcoming the short attention span of children. This characteristic has been further honed by television. Traditionally, parents and teachers have addressed this problem through educational television programs like Sesame However, education experts have found that children learn best when they are stimulated through participatory learning activities where their minds are constantly stimulated. Towards this, many companies have produced educational software designed to include the children in more In elementary and middle school, websites such as NASA Quest have activities targeted to various grade levels to teach children about space flight. The Exploratorium website maintained by a San Francisco museum is particularly popular among boys who are taught science through demonstrations of sporting activities such as skateboarding. The EcoKids Online! Web page teaches uses games to teach children about energy, wildlife and other environmental issues. In the process, the website also tries to impart strong civic lessons, teaching children about their responsibilities to the environment (Troutner). Under the supervision of a trained teacher, students can find a wealth of educational sites to enhance In older students, many educators report difficulty engaging students in subjects that do not seem relevant to their daily lives. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethics Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics Reflection - Essay Example At the workplace, the ethics are supposed to act as a guide as to how members of an organization can relate to one another and the people they are serving (Barney, 2007). This paper will review the roles ethics and social responsibility play in the workplace. As companies continue to grow, so does the need for skilled labour. The problem, however, becomes the need to change as the economic scene is also changing. This means that the standard of living is affected. People, therefore, require more money to satisfy their daily needs. In organizations that they aspire to work in, they dream of making it big and achieving their dreams (Shaw, 2010). However, the pressure brought on by life makes it harder for them with each passing day. This is where ethics at the workplace come into play. In the event, people go to work for all the wrong reasons; they are bound to be side tracked from their objectives. The goal would have been to make an honest living through hard work. As seen in many scenarios, greed gets the better of many people and they end up doing something wrong (Shaw, 2010). At times, they end up going against the workplace conduct. Many believe that doing the right thing is a moral obligation. This is more than true. When people trust an organization with their money only to learn that they are being robbed, it is never a good feeling. The people who have experienced this often lose faith in many honest organizations that are left. When thinking of stakeholders’ needs, it is very important that the planning be based on what the stakeholder wants. A strategic plan could help the smallest organization grow into something significantly huge (Weiss, 2008). Understanding what they want can be very tricky. However, with the right mind set, the perfect plan can be set in motion. The stakeholders need to be known first. This can be the first step in creating the strategic plan. When the audience has been identified, they can be approached with something that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Country Risk Analysis of Italy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Country Risk Analysis of Italy - Research Paper Example The strong export potential, relative underdevelopment of the southern region and the markets of north Africa and east European countries are the favorable endowments. Keywords: Economy, politics, geography, industry, immigration, drugs, EEC, disparities, factor productivity. Country Analysis of Italy Introduction It is important to evaluate conditions that support or hinder the prospects for a business in a particular location while undertaking new start ups, expansion, acquisition and/or other forms of investment. Political, economic, and geographic factors are taken into consideration for evaluation and decision making. Implicit within these broad categories are the demographic and legal factors. A range of reputed published resources like the country reports of the London based Economic Intelligence Unit, the CIA World Fact Books, the World Bank, IMF and European Commission reports can provide the necessary data for analysis for all major countries. The present paper deals with c ountry analysis of Italy, an EU member country that is in the thick of a political and economic crisis in the recent past. Italy became a republic in 1946 after the World War II and is a member of NATO and European Economic Community (EEC) in the euro zone. This country of about 60 million people with practically 100% literacy rate and dominated by the Roman Catholic faith followers, is a developed economy and has been a strong supporter of the political and monetary integration of the EU Zone countries (Anon, n.d., Italy is a republic, headed by a President as the constitutional head, while the executive authority vests with the Prime Minister (also called the president of the council of ministers) (CIA, 2011). It follows the constitutional form of democratically elected government with two houses of legislature (Senate and Chamber of Deputies), the judiciary and the executive wings having respective roles. Although Italy is not a signatory to the Internationa l Court of Justice jurisdiction, it respects international legal responsibilities like most democratic nations (CIA, 2011). The country is divided into twenty administrative regions of which five regions enjoy a higher degree of autonomy. Regions are further divided into provinces, numbering about 100 at present. Each province is under the watchful eyes of a representative of the federal government. Separatist tendencies, left-wing extremism, and remnants of fascist elements have been sources of political challenges that Italy faced since inception. These risks continue even today, although they have been substantially controlled. Political parties of different hues like left-of-centre or right-of-centre and others form coalitions among themselves and with other parties to govern the country. Italy has largely overcome the period of extremist left-wing terrorism between 1970s and 90s (Dugdale-Pointon, 2007). Widespread corruption has been the bane of Italian politics and economy, an d this has led to short-lived spans of governments, policies and programs. Investigations into corruption scandals have caught up with many politicians, resulting in introduction of political and electoral reforms. Scandals involving the personal life of the immediate past Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the deep economic
Monday, November 18, 2019
Management in a Globailsed world Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Management in a Globailsed world - Assignment Example The movement of goods and services is usually carried across different countries. Most of the businesses engaging in the trade are multinationals and to some extent, the smaller established companies. In addition, globalization entails the movement of human resources that includes labor across various countries. Labor is an important part of an organization since a business needs the right workforce to make it in any business environment. Some of the organization may move their compatriots in major positions before they offer them to those of the host country. As such, the companies to prevent conflicts with the government follow various laws that affect such activities. The movement of labor usually brings people of different languages and backgrounds together. The culture of the people is thus different, and, therefore, there is need to make sure communication is improved between the workers. For there to be an understanding, there should be an improvement in the communication. The refore, the common ground is that the language is an issue and therefore bringing the people together and using various communication channels to help in bringing unity among the workers. Globalization, for example, can be evidenced by various multinationals like Coca Cola since they set up their business in developing countries and end up imposing the western culture on the people especially those that work in the companies. The people thus have to learn the various cultures of the foreign businesses. Macro level deals with what is required of the organization in adhering to various regulations in the host country. The micro level deals with the interests of the employees, mainly expatriates. The interests of the expatriates in terms of security and other issues that may affect them in the host country are looked into by the organization. The expatriate is taken to be working 24 hours for the company and therefore if
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Bill of Quantity in Civil Engineering
Bill of Quantity in Civil Engineering INTRODUCTION As stated in the assignment brief, the objective of this assignment is to appreciate and disseminate the knowledge, techniques and skills of measurement into actual practice and to expose the students with the production of Bills of Quantity referring to the measurement work done as part of tender documentation requirements. Based on CESMM, measurements can be classified as coordination and planning of quantities and also to list the details of the work to ensure it is running with a consistent, systematic and new construction techniques were explained well. Bill of Quantities is prepared by Quantity Surveyor based on measurement from the construction drawings / building plans. This document has been used in the construction of buildings which has been detailed in the context of the quantity of each category of work performed. For an example, building works, mechanical, electrical works, civil, structural works and infrastructure works. The contractor will priced or estimate all the works associated in completing the buildings during pre-construction stage. The civil works measurement referred to a document called Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM). Before this document is produced, the party who responsible for the working measurement refers to the method adopted in the United Kingdom named ‘CESMM 2nd Edition or 3rd Edition’. There are most of the benchmark method used in building works, they use their own measurement system. This leads to inconsistencies in the measurement procedure. As a result, contractors are having difficulty to appreciate the tender. Work on the actual measurement must take into account the complexity of the work undertaken. Work measurement for any item of work is also closely associated with the activities and construction methodology. TASK 1 Discuss the importance of Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) in the civil engineering works / projects taking-off. Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) is to be used in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works. CESMM does not deal with the preparation of Bills of Quantity for mechanical electrical engineering work, building work or work which is seldom encountered in civil engineering contracts. If any such work to be included in the contract, such work shall be measured in accordance with their respective Standard Method of Measurement and shall be stated in the Preambles to the Bills of Quantity. CESMM provides a standard format, either in the form of items components and how they should be measured. A multi-level classification introduced in CESMM or space for a description of the work that can be developed. In the other hand, CESMM is to understand the purpose of using a standardised method of measurement. CESMM measurement method using the concept of method-related charges to present the cost of construction at the site in more obvious, such as covering the cost of site preparation and building machinery operating costs, and labor force. The importance of CESMM are be able to prepare bill items and re-measure completed work in accordance in civil engineering works. Be aware of the structure and application of Method Related Charges, unique to CESMM and the benefits arising from this facility. Be aware and appreciate the relationship of the Method of Measurement and the Conditions of Contract in the civil engineering works. TASK 2 Identify and discuss the contents of the tender document to be prepared for the tendering stage. The tendering stage is the process of selecting and appointing the contractor for the main construction contract. The contents of the tender document to be prepared for the tendering stage are: Letter of Invitation to tender– The bidder produce a formal letter to the tenderer, stated the tender closing date and time. Introduction-The tenderer invites bidder to submit a detailed proposal on the provision of equipment/system/software/services/works are detailed in the Tender Document. Conditions of contract – A written agreement is intended to bind the contractor appointed by the employer based on the laws and conditions imposed and agreed. Contract Drawings – technical / detailed construction drawings for measurement / costing by Quantity Surveyor / engineers – prepared by architect / engineers. Specification / Preambles A brief description of the materials and workmanship, the standard or quality of workmanship .It must convey the architect and engineer’s requirements. Bill of Quantities – Prepared by the Quantity Surveyor/stint on the size of the construction drawing plan / building. This document has detailed all the quantities for each category of work used in the construction of buildings. For example, building works, mechanical, electrical, civil, structural works, infrastructure works and other contractors would cost / budget all work related to the completion of pre-construction building. Investigate the Tenderer Financial standing – Look back into the audited accounts for past three years whether they have stable financial background. Get confidential report from firm’s bank. Instructions to Bidder – Purpose of Instructions. Tender Acknowledgement. Tender Document Preparation of Proposals. Submission of Proposals – (technical unpriced commercial proposals, priced commercial proposals, softcopy format) Acceptance of Bidder’s Proposal. Validity of Bidder’s Proposals. Queries Confidentially of Tender Document. Audit of Bidder’s Facilities. .Pre-award Meetings. Bidder Questionnaires Forms. Suspension and cancellation Award of Contract. Proposal Submission Guidelines. Scope of Works, Technical Specifications Requirements. Bill of Quantity (BQ) and Price Schedules. Bidder’s Compliances to Tenderer General’s Terms and Conditions. Tender Acknowledgement Form. One of the contents in the tender document is conditions of contract. What are the available conditions of contract, which are commonly used in the construction project? Contract Agreement. Letter of Acceptance. Tender and Appendix to Tender (as submitted by the Contractor in the Tender) Particular Conditions of Contract, Conditions Part 11(Part of Tender Document) General Conditions of Contract, Conditions Part 1(Example, as published by DM) Specifications(parts of Tender Documents) Drawings. Priced Bill of Quantities. What are the functions of the conditions of contract? The functions of Contract Conditions is to set out the principal legal relationship between the parties to a construction project, determining the allocation of risk and consequently, price. Conditions of contract must be read in conjunction with specification documents, drawings bills of quantities, activity schedules and special conditions. Standard form contracts often comprise suites of contracts with ‘back to back’ subcontracts, consultant appointments and collateral warranties. The formal conditions of contract in a tendering process is: Certification of free competition For the purpose of restricting competition to the price in the tender shall not be taken in consultation discretion. Restriction of publicity action Tenderers are not authorised to mention in their publicity that they have been invited to tender, are tendering or have tendered. Validity period of tender The tender shall specifically state a period of validity of 4 months from the closing date for the receipt of tenders, or such other period as may be provided for in the Special Conditions of Tender. Period for tender preparation The closing date for submission of tenders is stated in the cover letter. Extensions of this period, requested in writing, will only be considered by the Agency if operational requirements so permit, and if, in the case of competitive tendering, fair competition is not thereby impaired. Requests for extensions received less than two weeks before the closing date will,not be considered. Right to audit During its validity period, to request the tenderer to provide evidence of any element of his quotation and may call for additional detailed information irrespective of the type of price proposed. The Agency reserves the right to audit the quoted prices. Negotiation prior to contract award The Agency reserves the right to negotiate with one or more tenderers before taking a decision on the placing of a contract. The offer shall remain valid until changes are agreed in writing. The original offer, as modified shall constitute a binding revised offer. CONCLUSION Civil Engineering is a broad field containing many engineering sub-fields, such as transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering and construction engineering. I understand the knowledge, techniques and skills of measurement with the production of Bills of Quantity referring to the measurement work according to the requirements of Tender Documents. In addition, I must also thanked to my group members and also my lecturer, Mr. Kumarason, as they helped me a lot in the measurement part in Task 2. It helps to create clear open channels of measurements and the procedures in tendering documents, improved my productivity in measurements skills and help keep morale high. In short, this assignments helps me to accept the idea of working in a construction site in future, following the rules and achieving correct Tendering Document. Therefore, this assignments helped me share ideas which ultimately lead me to innovation and better opportunity in my future under takings. REFERENCES Traditional Contract[online] Available at : [Accessed on 8th July 2014] Construction Contract[online] Available at : [Accessed on 8th July 2014] Bill of[online] Available at: [Accessed on 9th July 2014] Seeley I.H., Winfield R. – Building Quantities Explained, Fifth Edition, Macmillan (1999) Willis A.J., Willis C.J. – Elements of Quantity Surveying, Seventh Edition, Granada (1978)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Fantasy World of The Glass Menagerie :: Glass Menagerie essays
The Fantasy World of The Glass Menagerie In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams creates a world in which the characters are disillusioned by the present. Amanda, Tom, and Laura achieve this disillusionment by resorting to separate worlds where they can find sanctuary. Each character develops their own world, far away from reality. Amanda frees herself from the harsh realities of life by constantly reminding herself of the past. To begin with, she continuously repeats the story of the "one Sunday afternoon in Blue Mountain" when she received seventeen gentlemen callers (1195). Furthermore, she keeps a "larger-than- life-size" photograph of her husband over the mantel who left the family when the children were young. When Jim came over for dinner, Amanda wears the "girlish frock of yellowed voile with a blue silk sash" that she wore on the day she met her husband (1222). Amanda obsesses with the past, and at the same time damaging the children psychologically. Constant allusions to the past have psychologically affected Tom and Laura, trapping them into Amanda$BCT(J lost world. Tom and Laura fail to survive in the present because they are always trying to live through the past. However, the past no longer exists, causing them distress in their journey through life. Tom is unsuccessful with his job at the warehouse and Laura cannot seem to fit in with the outside world. These personal downfalls in life drive Tom into a life of poetry and movies, and Laura into a world of glass figurines. Tom is unsatisfied with his work at the warehouse and feels his life lacks adventure. Therefore, he finds it through writing poetry and watching movies. When business is slow at the shoe warehouse, Tom goes to the washroom to work on his poetry. Tom finds adventure in poetry because he is able to create and control his own world. Along with poetry, Tom retreats to the movies every evening to fulfill his adventurous nature. Amanda questions Tom, "why do you go to the movies so much, Tom?" Tom replies, "I go to the movies because$BM*(J like adventure. Adventure is something I don$BCU(J have much of at work, so I go to the movies"(1210). Tom$BCT(J obsessions with adventure leaves him no time or energy to concentrate on his present responsibilities at work. Therefore, he leaves Amanda and Laura for the Merchant Marines, a place where he can live out his dreams for adventure. However, he cannot forget Laura, "I tried to leave you behind me, but I am more faithful than I intended to be!"(1247). Laura's problem, according to Jim, is her "inferiority complex"
Monday, November 11, 2019
Human Resources and Management Stratergy
Analyse two potential benefits of Out and About plc’s current ‘soft’ Human Resource Management strategy. Human Resource Management Strategy is the process of making the best use of an Organisation’s employees in order to achieve its human resource objectives. A soft HRM strategy recognises that the workforce are a valuable asset to the business and are crucial to achieve the organisation’s objectives. Soft HRM has many benefits to Out and About plc- it’s main benefit is to improve staff motivation.Out and About plc has shown this in many ways. Firstly, all staff are on permanent contracts providing them with greater security. This allows for the workers to provide a greater level of commitment to Out and About plc as it is their major career. This greater level of commitment will in turn produce greater labour productivity as workers who feel loyal and dedicated to a company will have a much more enthusiastic and hardworking approach as oppose d to a worker who does not feel greatly involved and concerned of the companies on goings.Furthermore, permanent staff are more likely to commit to training in order to acquire skills that can boost their career- which will again benefit the company. However, it is important to consider whether or not permanent contracts should be used for ALL staff as some groups of staff will most likely not be required at all times. Working in shifts could increase labour productivity as workers are more likely to be ‘fresh’ and more focused on a job in comparison to a member of staff who is to ‘go through the motions’ on a daily basis.Also, permanent contracts for all staff would be a lot more costly than using temporary staff. Out and About plc will need to decide which staff require permanent contracts and which do not to see any benefits financially. Secondly, the company’s current statistics show that the average staff age is 45 and that the labour turnover i s 5 percent (which is well below the industry average of 18 percent). This could indicate that staff are loyal and enjoy working for the business. Therefore it is good to question why a change needs to be implemented when staff are clearly happy.Also a labour turnover of 5 percent is not something which Out and About plc needs to worry about, however it is important to realise that changing the HRM dramatically (form soft to hard) could also affect the labour turnover dramatically. Q2) What do you consider to be the most important influence on Lisa’s marketing plan? Justify your view. A marketing plan consists of setting marketing objectives and deciding upon the strategy needed to achieve them. There are many influences on Lisa’s marketing plan. Firstly, I believe that the operational issues such as location of shops and the availability of suppliers will be of great importance.The passage states that: ‘As well as selling leading brands such as Salomon, Quiksilv er and O’Neill, Out and About plc will also sell a range of ‘own label’ clothing. ’ This means that the ’25 new out of town stores’ will be heavily reliant on these other brands. Therefore, it is vital to gain information and research on the suppliers and how reliable they are. If this research is not done efficiently, Out and About plc could find that they have low levels of stock which could result in unsatisfied customers and the chance of a bad reputation.Furthermore, the location of the shop is vital as it interlinks with the first problem of suppliers. If the shop is far from the supplier – it will be more difficult and take longer to deliver items which will cause great inefficiency. Another reason that the location of shops will be important is because the market in itself is fairly niche therefore the shops will need to be placed in fairly busy areas – like town centres as if they were on quiet desolate places they will see very little business.Secondly, it is key to note that competitors such as supermarkets – Argos and JJB have already affected Out and About plc current market – ‘profits have declined by 15 percent. ’ Building your way up in a relatively niche market is extremely difficult, especially with well known large stores such as JJB competing. Therefore it will be important to ensure that, Out and About plc maintain competitive prices and high quality products.The competition needs to be closely reviewed – for example, if Argos sells a camping jacket for cheap – Out and About plc will have to emphasise that the slight price difference is due to quality and design. Lisa will have to heavily promote what makes, Out and About plc different to Argos and JJB – and why consumers should choose them over a reputable brand. The above has only discussed (in my opinion) the two major points of the influencing factors of Lisa’s marketing plan h owever, there are many more. A key influence would be the reaction of the new target market.If the target market are to decide that the cheaper alternatives are more suited towards them Out and About plc will have failed to create a successful business. I believe this factor is most logical as Out and About plc are almost trying to change a previously known ‘cheap’ business to a higher upmarket business. However, this means they won’t be appealing to the same consumers – this consumer market is much smaller than the aforementioned. We can also question whether or not sufficient market research been carried out upon which to base their strategy?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Are humans still evolving essays
Are humans still evolving essays In order to figure out if humans are still evolving scientists have to ask, do humans have variety in their gene pool, and is there a differential fitness to these variants? Everybody, whether or not they believe humans are still evolving, agree that we have variety. Between genetic drift and when Eyre-Walker and Keightley claimed in 1999 that humans, on average, had 4.2 amino acid altering mutations every generation since humans separated from chimpanzees it is unreasonable to claim that we dont have variety between humans. People who dont believe humans are still evolving are basing their theory on selective pressure. They believe with all the modern technology, medicine, food distribution, heating and cooling, etc, there are no longer any selective pressures in our lives to separate the fit from the unfit. They believe that the capabilities within our modern society and speed with which our culture adapts to change has completely overruled the process of natural selection and ther efore stopped natural selection. However, there are several problems with these claims that could prove these people wrong. These problems are placed into 4 different classes of error including: 1. Misunderstanding the nature and power of natural selection, 2. Forgetting other forms of selection, such as sexual selection, 3. Assumptions about the entire world from the specific first world lifestyles of the very people claiming this, and 4. Mistakenly taking the term current evolution to mean that evolution must happen before our eyes. The first class comes from the assumption that selection only works on the more obvious visible traits and little else. We perceive certain things as good attributes (sharp teeth, strong muscles, speed, and intelligence) and others as bad attributes (obesity, skin prone to sunburn, and uncoordination) and we decide that anything t ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
13 Best Jobs For Good Work-Life Balance
13 Best Jobs For Good Work-Life Balance we have a reputation in america for working too hard. more and more americans are working an average of more than 58 hours a week, well beyond the standard 40. but what if you want a better work/life balance? according to census data, the average american works approximately 39 hours and has a median income of $32,000 per year. but here are 13 positions that pay much better for roughly the same time on the job.postal service clerks work about 39.32 hours a week for a median earned income of $51,000.speech language pathologists work about 36.17 hours a week and make roughly $54,000.registered nurses and psychologists make about $56,000 a year, and work an average of 37.59 and 36.75 hours a week, respectively.chiropractors and occupational therapists each make an average of $60,000 a year working 36.02-39.75 hours.technical writers earn an annual average of $62,000 for 39.61 hours a week.physical therapists work about 37.43 hours a week and earn about $63,000.audiologists work roughly 37.77 hours a week for about $64,000, and radiation therapists make a median income of $70,000 a year for 38.4 hours.the biggest winners are optometrists, pharmacists, and dentists who work an average workweek of 37.83-39.03 hours, but make a whopping $100,000-$130,000 a year.consider one of these careers if you want to optimize your work-life balance and your bank account!the 13 highest-paying jobs for people who want to work less than 40 hours a week
Monday, November 4, 2019
Research Paper #2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Research Paper #2 - Coursework Example New media platforms such as social media, blogs, digital newspapers, wikis, and websites are becoming more common and widely used in the media industry. Although old media is still trying to remain relevant, new media is exerting increasing pressure on media companies to abandon their traditional media for the new media. According to Dunlop (Para 1), new media is transforming old media by attacking its credibility. This is just one way in which new media is transforming traditional media. With specific regard to print media including newspapers and magazines, the effect is more pronounced. The presence of new media such as blogs, websites, wikis, and social media is rendering the traditional print media less relevant. For instance, even before media companies can print newspapers and magazines with the latest news, the news will have already been featured in the new media platforms. Therefore, by the time the print newspapers and magazines are released, the public has already gotten the news. However, there is still controversy regarding the effect of new media on old media. According to Bernstein (261), despite the new challenges posed by new media, traditional media is not about to be gone soon. This could be right. Currently, traditional media is still relevant. People are still reading print magazines and newspapers. In fact, according to Anderson (Para 1), revenues from digital platforms only account for a small fraction of the total advertising revenues compared to what print newspapers fetch. This shows that traditional print media is still relevant in the digital era. Moreover, the audience for traditional print media has not vanished completely. Although the audience has shrunk significantly, there is still a sizeable audience comprising mainly of the old generations that are not so used to the new media platforms. Even with this raging debate, it is clearly evident that many
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Discuss the multiple theories of reading that are presented in Essay
Discuss the multiple theories of reading that are presented in Northanger Abbey. How might they lead us to create a theory of reading for real readers, and why might this theory be important - Essay Example The novel encompasses a strong morale, guidance for the choice for true companion and shows how other considerations are mere shallow. ‘Northanger Abbey’ can be treated as a torch bearer of the Austen canon. Very rightly, it upholds or clearly indicates the theme of Jane’s forthcoming novels. As a literary piece, the novel has a great value. ‘Northanger Abbey’ encompasses within its plot, few frivolities of the Eighteenth century literature and encapsulates many of the contemporary fiction and their genre. The novel, ‘Northanger Abbey’ is often claimed by critics as â€Å"earliest and least perfect†. It is also criticized that ‘Northanger Abbey’, â€Å"lacks the narrative sophistication of the later works†. But the main fact is quite different from all these criticism. Within its limited scope, Austen tried to portray a discursive description of what a fiction might be. He precisely shows the way that how a novel should be written and most importantly, read. The heroine of ‘Northanger Abbey’ Catherine is deliberately portrayed as a complete deviation from the conventional heroines of Eighteenth century fictions. Catherine is simple and notably undistinguished. She is a girl from a middle-class family and she falls in love with her hero, much before the hero of Austen’s ‘Northanger Abbey’ put any of his serious thoughts on the girl. All these deviations prove that Austen desperately wanted to re-shape and re-evalu ate Eighteenth century fiction and its reading pattern along with the writing style. This is also a vital reason for manifesting the plot of ‘Northanger Abbey’ in a fashion of a parody for Gothic Fiction. ‘Northanger Abbey’ is indeed an important literary document; purely concomitant to the Radcliffeian popularity, and is truly a literary landmark. It is more than a mere debunking sentimental Gothic novel. It is a serious attempt to depose a narrative technique that challenges the stress on characters by Richardson and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Rainwater Harvesting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Rainwater Harvesting - Essay Example The first flush is the device that flushes off the water that is received in the first shower while filters remove silt, leaves, dust, and other organic matter to prevent them from entering the storage tank. The technique used to harvest rainwater largely depends on the affordability of the system to the users and the number of users. This is determined by the size of the institution. Large institutions prefer larger reservoirs and in most cases, water is stored in underground tanks. In Oregon, rainwater harvesting system collects water from the rooftop into a storage tank where it is used for domestic purposes. They use simple rain barrels set below a downspout to water the garden and provide a substantial amount of water for home use. Oregon Building Codes Division supports the effort to conserve water through approval of rainwater harvesting system as the alternative method to state plumbing code. The state has introduced new filtration and treatment technologies that are used to harvest rainwater in a relatively simple manner. The harvesting systems are installed in existing buildings and new construction. The system includes roofs, gutters, or roof drains, piping system or storage tank or cistern. The tanks are located either inside or outside the house, partially above or partially below the ground, on rooftops or underground. Basement locations are preferred mostly because the water is gravity-fed and is protected from freezing. Some tanks are enclosed to increase the roof surface catchment area.
Monday, October 28, 2019
John Locke Government Essay Example for Free
John Locke Government Essay Without a civil society, all rules of order begin to break down. At this point, there really is no society present. Rather, there is anarchy and an anarchistic society is not one where the populace can be reasonably cared for and protected. John Locke puts forth many assessments in this regard. However, Locke also understands that the current state of society will often play a role in terms of how we react to it. In Richard II, we have a monarchy of a society that fails to be civil in a number of ways. Because of this, action is taken by certain members of the populace. This does raise questions regarding whether or not the actions of these characters in the play support or undermine the theories of John Locke as they relate to the civil society. A closer examination of the play will reveal answers in this regard. In the play, we see certain callous and decidedly not well thought out actions on the part of Richard II. In the early stages of the play, the king interferes in a dual between Bolingbroke and Mowbray. The former is banished for 6 years as a result of his actions with the latter is banished forever. This creates great animosity among Mowbray and his followers while also setting the stage for the creation of a serious enemy. Such actions are further compounded when Richard appropriates all the land of John of Gaunt for himself when the character passes away. Are such actions those of a ruler that professes to oversee a civil society? A great many arguments can be made that such actions are hardly noble in their intent and action. At the core of Locke’s writing is that there really is no such thing as a divinity among the kings that rule a particular land. In other words, kings are not divine beings that can impose their will on the populace in any way they see fit. There are various John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Page 2 reasons why Locke promotes such a notion. Firstly, he recognizes that kings are human beings and, hence, fallible as all humans are. This can lead to kings being self-serving as opposed to serving their subjects and the rule of law. When both of these components are ignored, the civil society breaks down. Also, it becomes impossible for proper governance to exist unless deep and serious thought is put forth towards the nature and role of ruling. So, when a king puts forth the attitude that all things are good because of his divine will, society runs the risk of collapsing. Why is this so? Mainly, it is because no logic is being employed by the ruler. Rather, the king believes all things decreed correct because the king is infallible. This does little more than set the stage for the collapse of the king’s rule as well as the collapse of the civil society. We can see this in RICHARD II in several ways. Richard slowly seems to lose his grip on proper rule and becomes a self-serving entity. During the events of the play, we learn that Richard’s kingdom is involved in a long, bitter, and protracted war with Ireland. As such, the need for making proper and accurate decisions is a must. Poor decisions can undermine the effectiveness of the war effort which, in turn, can lead to a collapse of the kingdom. Early in the play, Richard is accused of not properly managing the war effort as evidenced by his personal appropriations of Gaunt’s wealth among other improprieties. This sets in motion the idea that he must be disposed as the ruler of the kingdom. John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Pg 3 While all rulers will be criticized at some point, the most stinging criticism would be that the leader does not hold the fabric of society together. Rather, he contributes to the collapse of society. An argument of these sorts can be made towards the rule of Richard II. Of great concern to Locke is the notion that the population has a right to private property and that any government or ruler that infringes on private property is little more than a tyranny. In the context of RICHARD II, there is a ruler that has no respect for private property as evidenced by his unlawful seizing of land and wealth. This poses the question when a king acts lawless, is there any law to the land? Locke also was an avowed believer in the notion that government must represent the will of the people. Those governments that do not provide for the populace in such a way will run the risk of being legitimately overthrown by the motivated members of the populace. We see such events played out in RICAHRD II in many different ways. Ultimately, all the actions of King Richard promote the notion that he does not serve his subject. Rather, he serves his own personal goals with little regard for the life and property of those he is entrusted to care for. One could say that RICHARD II truly does provide a clear interpretation of the problems with government detailed in John Locke’s SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT. As such, it would be safe to infer that Locke would hardly approve of the way Richard II rules. Considering the downfall of the king in the play, Richard II would have been better served had be been guided by Locke’s philosophical approach to government.
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