Friday, January 24, 2020
Humorous Wedding Roast for Groom Who Plays Football and Likes to Drink :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Humorous Wedding Speech for a Groom Who Plays Football and Likes to Drink On behalf of the bridesmaids, I’d like to thank you, Victor, for those kind words. It was a pleasure keeping you company at the altar this morning and I’m always pleased to see more of the competition getting married off – especially with all these lovely bridesmaids around. When I started thinking about doing this speech, I found it curious that all the wedding speeches I've heard, without exception, blatantly and disgracefully set out to demolish the character of the groom. Well frankly, Victor’s worthy of better treatment that - and there’s no better way to point people in the right direction to view Victor’s worth than via his passions. And in recent weeks, Victor’s single passion has been to provide Robin the wedding she’s always dreamed of – and he’s spared no expense. I mean, just look at this venue. I can well understand why they decided this was the place to get married – packed full of history and romance. In fact, right in the corner of the room there’s an old underground escape passage that takes you right out of the building - its true! It’s the corner Robin was repeatedly glancing at during the ceremony. At school, I remember, Victor had two passions: music and soccer (football). He dreamed of playing the guitar like Jimi Hendrix and playing soccer like David Beckham. Unfortunately, he ended up playing the guitar like Beckham and playing soccer like Jimi Hendrix – a very stoned Jimmy Hendrix on crutches. Eventually, he did improve and it’s been a lasting passion ever since. He actually became quite a good player and when I joined his football club I was fortunate enough to play along side him at centre back, where he taught me everything I needed to know about how to avoid tackling, heading and scoring goals. But being new to the team I couldn’t understand why, after each game in the changing room showers, Victor always wore a Gimp mask. And as everyone here who went on his stag (bachelor’s party) will testify, that’s another passion that still lurks deep. After leaving school, Victor appeared to develop a passion for horticulture. To quote his mother, ‘Victor’s collection of moldy plates was very impressive, he had a regular penicillin factory under that bed of his.’ He also developed a passion for driving - especially driving fast cars. Humorous Wedding Roast for Groom Who Plays Football and Likes to Drink :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches Humorous Wedding Speech for a Groom Who Plays Football and Likes to Drink On behalf of the bridesmaids, I’d like to thank you, Victor, for those kind words. It was a pleasure keeping you company at the altar this morning and I’m always pleased to see more of the competition getting married off – especially with all these lovely bridesmaids around. When I started thinking about doing this speech, I found it curious that all the wedding speeches I've heard, without exception, blatantly and disgracefully set out to demolish the character of the groom. Well frankly, Victor’s worthy of better treatment that - and there’s no better way to point people in the right direction to view Victor’s worth than via his passions. And in recent weeks, Victor’s single passion has been to provide Robin the wedding she’s always dreamed of – and he’s spared no expense. I mean, just look at this venue. I can well understand why they decided this was the place to get married – packed full of history and romance. In fact, right in the corner of the room there’s an old underground escape passage that takes you right out of the building - its true! It’s the corner Robin was repeatedly glancing at during the ceremony. At school, I remember, Victor had two passions: music and soccer (football). He dreamed of playing the guitar like Jimi Hendrix and playing soccer like David Beckham. Unfortunately, he ended up playing the guitar like Beckham and playing soccer like Jimi Hendrix – a very stoned Jimmy Hendrix on crutches. Eventually, he did improve and it’s been a lasting passion ever since. He actually became quite a good player and when I joined his football club I was fortunate enough to play along side him at centre back, where he taught me everything I needed to know about how to avoid tackling, heading and scoring goals. But being new to the team I couldn’t understand why, after each game in the changing room showers, Victor always wore a Gimp mask. And as everyone here who went on his stag (bachelor’s party) will testify, that’s another passion that still lurks deep. After leaving school, Victor appeared to develop a passion for horticulture. To quote his mother, ‘Victor’s collection of moldy plates was very impressive, he had a regular penicillin factory under that bed of his.’ He also developed a passion for driving - especially driving fast cars.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
To what extent was the vietnam war part of the cold war
To what extent was the Vietnam War part of the Cold War? The Vietnam war was a cold war-era mllltary conflict In southeast Asia. conflict officially began on November 1st In 1955 and ended on April 30th 1975 with the fall of Saigon. With that it lasted nearly 20 years, which makes it one of the longest military conflicts ever In human history. The war was fought between the communistic North Vietnamese and the Anti-communlsuc south. The north was supported by various nations, including the Soviet union, China, Cuba, Bulgaria and any others.The south, which was supposedly the by far weaker army, was also supported by a number of countries, the US, South Korea, Australia, Spain and Thailand are only a few of the numerous supporters ot the South. The main problem in the war for the Anti-Communist forces was the Vietcong. which was a lightly armed south Vietnamese communist Guerrilla which was hard to fght, especially for the heavily armed US army. The Vietcong dug complicated tunnel sys tems and trenches to fight the US In to them unknown territory.The Vietcong referred this Guerrilla warfare in the rainforests to open battle. The Vietcong also used traps, mines and their knowledge of the region to bring a whole load of trouble upon the US troops. This resulted in heavy bombing raids by the US Air force, this was widely criticised around the whole world as it was seen as a breach of the human rights that the US bombed North Vietnam with napalm bombs. In total, more bombs were dropped on North Vietnam during the Vietnam War than on Germany in the Second World War!In 1968 the Guerrilla warfare stopped and during the national Tet holiday (from hich the attack got its name: Tet offensive) the North Vietnamese army started an assault against over 100 Vietnamese Cities, including the US embassy in Saigon. Although the Anti-communist forces were Initially driven back, they were quick to recover and struck back Immediately, decimating the ranks of the North Vietnamese Viet nam was the battlefield where the cold war was actually really fought, not only talked about or empty threats being thrown at each other. The united States used Vietnam to blow an attack against Communism in the world.Extinguishing communism was the major goal of the United States in the cold war and in Vietnam they had the perfect region to attack. The US and the Soviet union did not dare to attack each other directly. that is why they fought their war, also if not directly, in the muddy forests of Vietnam. None of them had the courage or the means to enter a direct conflict against the other, one tOf2 conflict during the cold war was not directly between the US and the Soviets as the Soviets only supported the North Vietnam army with money, ammunition and weapons.A direct intervening from the Soviets would probably have ended in a 3rd World War as many nations were already involved in the war in Vietnam and the US could not let a direct Soviet attack unpunished. With that, it was better for the rest of the world that the Soviet Union did not directly involve itself in the fighting. A widely discussed topic is the outcome of the Vietnam War. According to various American sourcesl the Vietnam War was won by the US when they finally left the country in 1975.It is though generally known that the North Vietnamese won the war, hey took the capital of the south; Saigon, on April 30th 1975 and with that won the war. The South Vietnamese army was defeated and left with a total of 800,00 casualties (military and civilian). The US had a total of 58,220 dead soldiers; additional 303,644 soldiers were wounded. The Anti-Communist army had a total of 670,000-1 casualties whereas the North Vietnamese had about 600,000-1 losses. Concluding, the Vietnam War was a huge, if not the major, part of the Cold War.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Summerise the Main Development of a Child from Age Range...
1. Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years. Development refers to the process of learning new skills and abilities, and acquiring emotional maturity. All development changes are the result of both genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors and diet are in the main responsible for growth, whereas environmental factors such as quality of the diet and disease are responsible for the emotional growth. ‘Child development’ is the term given to the growth of babies through childhood. Although all children will go through the same stages of development, they will do so at varying speeds. There are five key stages of development that take place during the first eight years of a†¦show more content†¦5-8 Years: Between the ages of 5-8 they will keep improving their skills. By the time a child has reached their eighth birthday, they should have the confidence to jump from heights, run distances and ride a bike without stabilisers. Intellectual Development: 0-2 years: From the birth to three months babies have the ability to focus on objects up to few inches away from themselves. Up to six months they will begin to develop their co-ordination, enjoy bright colours and shiny things. Between the age of six months to nine month they will be able to play simple games such as peek a boo. At nine months often a child laughs when he sees others laughing or cries when others cry. At their first birthday their intellectual development has increased. At the age of two children enjoy ‘pretend’ play and act out fantasies. 3-5 years: At three years the pretend play will continue and will be more complex. They will be able to control their pencils and brushes more accurately. They may even be able to use scissors to cut papers. At four years they will be able to understand the concept of past and future. Their drawings will be more recognisable. They will be able to build towers with blocks. At the age of five years many children will be able to count and recognise simple words. The concept of numeracy and literacy will begin to take hold. 5-8 years: Between the ages of 5-8 the children will improve on their reading skills and will be
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